J.U.S. Club London
31t August 1858.
With reference to the Stores accompanying the Royal Engineers (advanced party and
main Body) to
British Columbia and to which you have given your sanction, I have the honour to enclose the Lists1
framed in an amended form and with Details more complete.
These Lists were prepared before I accepted the duty I have undertaken and when they
were submitted to you I had not been able to examine them.
I solicit your sanction to the alterations I have made, leaving out sundry articles
[(]among which are the more expensive instruments and books) and substituting others
which are indispensable For instance 1 Box Chronometer and 2 Pocket D
o, a small quantity of non assorted and other articles. I have also added 3 months
Provisions in Rations.
I submit however that Six months supply would be much better & more economical if
there be room in the vessel. To this it may be my duty again to take opportunity
of drawing your attention.
The above stores are being supplied chiefly from the Tower through the assistance
of the War Department. The Chronometers have been obtained from the Admiralty on
the understanding they will be replaced. Other articles are being obtained through
the assistance of
Colonel James Ordnance Survey
Dt and sundry articles are being or will have to be purchased as they cannot be obtained
from the government stores.
I have the honor to be Sir
r most obedient humble
R.C. Moody
Col. R. E.
The RightHonble
The Secretary of State for the Colonies
Minutes by CO staff
Put by.
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply,
Carnarvon to
1 September 1858, approving the award of 30 acre land grants to men serving in
British Columbia for six years, subject to the approval of the local legislature.
Minutes by CO staff
This is according to
Sir E. Lytton's direction; but I
wd submit to his cons
n my apprehension that if this situation is communicated to the men they will be dissatisfied
with being handed over to the uncertainties of a Colonial Legislature—that they will
not volunteer, though they may go as soldiers, & that they will desert.
Sir Edward adheres
to this passage I would then further ask whether it might not be made a condition
with the Legislature—whose existence we seem to anticipate so confidently—that the
faith of the Crown should be preserved with these men, if they stay the proper time
in the Colony.
I think they should be protected to the end of the duration of the Act of Parlt—no longer.