I have duly received your Despatch of the
5th October last N
27, acknowledging receipt of my Despatch of the
13th August N
33, enclosing copies of correspondence with the House of
Assembly of
Vancouver's Island and conveying to me your
sentimentssentiments respecting the faulty state of the Prison, and
trusting that measures might be carried out to remedy the evil.
2. The subject is one which has caused me much thought and
uneasiness, and it has weighed heavily upon me from the fact of
my being powerless for want of means to effect a change.
However as I feel now well assured from the tenor of your
Despatch, of the assistance of Her Majesty's Government, I have
taken immediate steps to give
effecteffect to my own wishes in the
matter, and I shall forthwith cause a Prison to be constructed,
and accommodation provided for Prisoners that I trust will
result in a report of a very different character from that to
which you refer, and which I sincerely regret there should ever
have been occasion to frame.