No. 8
23 March 1859
I have the honor to lay before you the following circumstances
in connection with the plunder of the United States Merchant
Brig "
Swiss Boy" by the Indians of
Barclay Sound on the South
west coast of
Vancouver's Island, into which place the "
Swiss Boy" entered, in a waterlogged and unseaworthy condition.
2. I2. I believe the Master of the "
Swiss Boy" has proceeded to
Washington, with a view of making an attempt to establish a
claim against Her Majesty's Government for the loss of his
vessel, and I am therefore anxious to place you in possession of
the facts of the case, with the least possible delay.
3. On or about the
18th Ultimo, I received a statement from
Mr David K. Welden, the Master of the "
Swiss Boy," a copy of
which forms Enclosure N
o 1, detailing the circumstances of the
abandonment and plunder of his vessel. To this I returned an
answer (Enclosure N
o 2), acquainting him that Her Britannic
ShipShip "
Satellite" would proceed to
Barclay Sound, to
enquire into the case and to restore to him his vessel and
property, and that a passage for himself and crew would be
provided in the "
Satellite." This offer he refused to accept,
as will be seen from his Letter, dated
22nd February, Enclosure
o 3. On the
23rd February I received a further letter from
Mr Welden, Enclosure N
o 4, stating that he held himself
in readiness to proceed in any vessel that might be despatched to
investigate the case, to this I replied by Enclosure N
o 5,
referring him to the former letter addressed to him, but he did
not avail himself of the opportunity offered him for receiving
his property, for altho' there was
ampleample time for him to find
his way on board the "
Satellite," he did not make his
appearance, but allowed her to depart without him, and the same
day, the
24th of February, he quitted this place in the mail
Steamer for
San Francisco.
4. The requisitions I made to the Senior Naval Officer for the
assistance of a vessel of war to investigate the alleged
outrages, form Enclosures No 6 and 7.
5. On the
11th of Instant the "
Satellite" returned to
Esquimalt, and I forward herewith the Report, Enclosure N
o 8,
made upon the case by
Captain Prevost, which goes very fully
into the matter, and would appear conclusively to shew that
Swiss Boy" was unseaworthy before she left Port, and was most
improperly overladen. The fact of the first may be judged from
some specimens of her timbers forwarded by
Captain Prevost, and
sent herewith, and the proof of the latter rests upon the Report
of the Officers appointed by
Captain Prevost to hold a survey
upon the vessel, vide Enclosure No 12.
6. It will be seen that the cargo of the "
Swiss Boy"; Timber,
remained untouched on board the vessel at the time of the
Satellite's" visit, and that the property stolen by the natives
consisting mainly of the personal effects of the Master and
crew, was recovered by
CaptainCaptain Prevost, and there being no
person authorized to take possession of it, was placed in a hut,
under the charge of one of the Chiefs where, I have no doubt it
will remain undisturbed for any length of time.
I have etc.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
E. Hammond, Foreign Office,
20 May 1859,
forwarding copy of the despatch and enclosures.