I have the honor of transmitting herewith a Communication from
Mr Pemberton the Colonial Surveyor relative to the sale of
about Twenty thousand acres of land of inferior value,
consisting in a great measure, of rocks and swamp, scattered in
portions over the four surveyed districts around
Mr Pemberton therefore suggests, for the reasons stated in
his letter, viz. his inability to sell the land in question at
the established price of one pound (£1) sterling an acre, and,
consequent on the land remaining unsold, the obliteration of the
subdividing lines by fire or otherwise, and the loss of the
public outlay in the survey, that those lands may be put up for
sale on the 1
st day of
August next at the upset price of Four
Shillings and two pence (4/2) per acre.
3. As
Mr Pemberton's views on this point appear to be
perfectly sound, I have given my sanction to the Sale of the
land in question on the terms proposed, as a Special and
exceptional case, in no way affecting the sale price of other
public lands in this Colony.
4. I do not however feel disposed to adopt
Mr Pembertons
suggestion respecting the
Cowitchin Country. It has for good
reasons been the invariable
policy of the Government to
concentrate as much as possible the white population when
forming settlements in Districts inhabited by powerful tribes of
Indians, but that object is attainable now as fully as at any
former period in the history of this Colony, and I therefore do
not consider it expedient or advisable to close, for some time,
Cowitchin valley against the settlement of Whites, as
Pemberton suggests. To adopt such a course would naturally
rise to much clamour and dissatisfaction among the people, and
in effect retard the legitimate progress of the Colony.
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
Of these unsold Lands about 20,000 acres are divided into 100 acres
Sections, of inferior value, containing as they do a large proportion
of Timber, rock or swamp.
Persons will not purchase these lands at one pound per acre paid
by instalments, to reclaim them would cost an average of Five pounds
per acre.
If left unsold Fires in the Autumn may destroy many of the
subdividing lines and the outlay will be lost.
Cattle dealers, and Sheep Farmers, Timber Merchants, and others
might now be got to purchase them at a lower price.
I respectfully suggest to your Excellency the expediency of
putting them up to auction at an upset price of Four Shillings and two
pence per acre giving time for an examination before the Sale.
The surveys at
Cowichan and
Nanaimo progress favorably. 50,000
acres are already surveyed and divided into 100 acre Sections at a cost
not exceeding Two pounds per lineal mile of line cut, or Two pence per
I do not recommend to your Excellency any alteration of the usual
terms of sale in these Districts and am strongly of opinion that the
number of bona-fide settlers wanting to purchase Land here at present
is so small, that it would be better for some time not to throw them
open for Settlement for the following reasons.
1st The advantage of concentrating the White population in a
country containing so many Indians.
2nd The expense of police and roads and access must press
heavily on the settled portion of the country in a self-supporting
3rd The danger of disturbance with Indians from a few families
of settlers among them where an immigration on a large scale might be
perfectly safe.
I take the liberty of submitting the considerations above written
to your Excellencys better judgement.
I have the honor to be Sir
your Excellencys very obedient servant
Joseph D Pemberton
Colonial Surveyor