No. 45
9 September 1859
I have the honor of transmitting herewith for Your Grace's
information the copy of a letter, lately received from
General Harney, in reply to my communication
toto him of the
August last.
2. With respect to
General Harneys letter, it is unnecessary to
do more than request Your Grace's attention to a few very
important points.
In the first place I would refer to his remark, that on two
different occasions since he entered upon his present command,
he had "reported to his Government in terms of commendation
and praise" concerning my "acts affecting American citizens",
and secondly, that though the explanation given in my letter had
removed the impression that any violation of the rights of
American citizens had been committed by the
authoritiesauthorities of
Vancouvers Island, he nevertheless declines to withdraw the
United States Troops now occupying the
Island of San Juan "until
the pleasure of the President of the United States has been made
known on the subject."
3. In the meantime the occupation of
San Juan is every day
becoming more complete; the troops have been removed to, and now
occupy, a commanding hill, the very position in fact, which I
intended should be occupied, had they been landed according to
my plan, by Her Majesty's Troops, contiguous to the settlement
of the Hudsons
BayBay Company.
4. They are now engaged in strengthening that position by
various military works, which indicate an intention to make good
their occupation, as Your Grace will observe by a communication
Mr De Courcy, Magistrate for the District of
San Juan, of
equal date, which is herewith transmitted.
5. The Squatter population, alluded to in that letter, will
soon disappear in the event of the United States Troops being
withdrawn from
San Juan, as it is only the presence of the
latter which now induces them to remain there; a
remarkremark which I
take the liberty of making in case the Government of the United
States should make it a point of honor to hold
the Island, under
the plea of its containing an American population of a fixed
character and settled habits, which is however not the case.
I have etc.
Minutes by CO staff
Transmit as proposed?
From the tenour
of the Governor's remarks, it is evident that he considers that
passing events strongly support the original view that it would
have been better to effect a landing of a British Force
immediately that the Americans had landed theirs. The opposite
mode of proceeding [is] [p]leasing to the [pa]cific and
[tem]perate views of
Community like ours, but it is difficult to receive the daily
arriving accounts of the manner in which the Americans are
strengthening themselves without having some uncomfortable
misgivings whether after all
Governor Douglas was not right and
whether it would not have been better to land some of our people
likewise and announce that we should maintain a joint occupation
until the Americans withdrew.
We have preserved the peace, but I greatly doubt we may have
San Juan.
Whatever may be the eventual decision as to the
Isld of S. Juan
no British
ought to be in the slightest degree influenced by this
lawless occupation, and if so the fact of
Govr Douglas having
been overruled by the Naval and Military Authorities can have no
effect upon the ultimate result of diplomatic negociations.
It is however quite open to question whether
Govr D
s plan
would not have been the best, but it was not open to question
whether, when his plan
had been abandoned the
Govt at home
should hesitate to share the responsibility of and approve that
which had been adopted. If unhappily our Force had been
inferior we could hardly have taken the course we did with
honor—it being greatly superior, the act was one of generous
forbearance—not of timidity. Copy to F.O.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
William S. Harney to
24 August 1859,
declining to remove the troops until he received instructions from
the president.
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to Foreign Office,
7 November 1859, forwarding
copy of the despatch.