I have the honor to transmit herewith the Copy of an Address
received by me from the House of Assembly of
Vancouver's Island,
requesting me to forward

to your Grace the accompanying Petition
from the inhabitants of
Vancouver's Island, praying for an
alteration in the present Land System, and the copy of an
Address from the House of Assembly to your Grace upon the same
2. At the present moment I do not desire to offer any opinion
upon the representations made in these Documents, for I purpose
shortly to lay before your Grace my views in connection with

Land System. I may however state that I am fully aware that the
matter is one of such vital importance to the progress of the
Colony, that it can only be dealt with upon the most mature
consideration; and I may further state that I am strongly of
opinion that no unrestricted control of Colonial Lands should be
placed in the hands of the House of Assembly until that body
provides for

the Civil List required by the Colony.