Mr Merivale
Had we not better ask if we can send our despatches by the same
means? The only precaution we need then take is to put our Mail bag
Govr Douglas in another Bag addressed to the Consul at
with instructions to forward it on.
If this arrangement can be effected acquaint the Treasury, who have
now under their cons
n a proposal from a
Mr Stamp to conduct the
Mail Service between
San Francisco &
V. Couver's Isld, receiving a

large subsidy.
I never read a letter which less expressed what it is necessary to
know & what I believe the Admiralty wished to convey to us.
What they meant to say I believe is this.
1st that certain mail bags containing despatches of Sepr
& Oct last have gone astray & have never been heard of since.
2. That it is consequently desirable to have a common
understanding & a joint arrangement with this Office by wh all desp.
shall be transmitted without risk of failure.
3. That the best mode of doing this is by conveying all
official mail bags to the Consul at
Panama to be broken up by him; &
as far as the
V. Couver I. &
B. Columbia letters are concerned,
forwarded by some special & Trusty messenger.
This I believe to be the real meaning of this letter and I quite
concur in the desirability of the plan.