No. 31
18 June 1860
Adverting to your Grace's Despatch N
o 9 of the
7th of February
last, forwarding to me a letter from the Marine Department of the
Board of Trade,
Setting forth the Expenditure made in England by that
Department out of the Parliamentary Vote of Seven Thousand Pounds
(£7000) for the Erection of Light Houses in
Fucas Straits and
Esquimalt Harbour, and which Expenditure amounts to the Sum of Three
Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Six Pounds, Four Shillings
and one penny (£3266:4:1), I have the honor to Enclose herewith, for
the information of Your Grace, Copy of a report from the Assistant
Colonial Surveyor on the progress made in the work
of the Light
Houses, and Exhibiting the Sums already expended here, and the amount
that will be required to carry the work to completion.
2. From this report Your Grace will perceive that the entire sum
required for the work in this Country is Seven Thousand Seven Hundred
and Fifty One pounds, Sixteen Shillings and Ten pence (£7751:16:10).
Of this the sum of Four Thousand and Seventy five pounds Eleven
Shillings and Ten pence (£4075:11:10) has already been Expended, and
a further sum of about One
Thousand pounds (£1000:0:0) is immediately
required to meet payments due, and I trust Your Grace will move the
Lords of the Treasury to meet the Bills I shall be Compelled to draw
upon this service over and above the sum already voted for the work.
3. The Tower at the Entrance of
Esquimalt Harbour is complete and
ready for receiving the Lantern so soon as it may arrive. The Tower
on the
Race Rocks is steadily progressing and will be completed in
about six weeks.
4. I presume the
Estimate of Seven Thousand pounds (£7000.0.0) made
Captain Sulivan of the Board of Trade was intended to include the
cost of the Lanterns as well as of the Buildings, but without correct
data from this country any Estimate formed in England for works to be
undertaken here, will assuredly fall short of the actual cost. The
present rate of wages to Bricklayers, Masons and Carpenters is from
Sixteen to Twenty Shillings per diem, and the charges for transport
of material are in like proportion. The
most Stringent economy has
been practised in the Execution of the work, but at the same time I
have endeavoured to avoid the error of adopting cheap expedients in
works required to be substantial and lasting; and I trust that the
Light Houses in question will prove to be essentially so.
I have etc.
Minutes by CO staff
Total cost - Lanterns 3266. 4.1
Race Rk Light 4789.19.5
Fisgard 2961.17.5
instead of 7000£.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
B.W. Pearse, Acting Colonial Surveyor, to
W.A.G. Young, Acting
Colonial Secretary,
10 June 1860, reporting progress on the
construction of the lighthouses, including the financial situation.
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to
J. Booth, Board of Trade,
11 August 1860, forwarding
copy of the despatch.
Rogers to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
11 August 1860, forwarding copy of
the despatch and asking that the bills be accepted and paid.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Booth, James
Douglas, Sir James
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Hamilton, George Alexander
Pearse, Benjamin W.
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Sulivan, Captain B. J.
Young, William Alexander George
Places in this document
Esquimalt Harbour
Fisgard Island
Juan de Fuca Strait
Race Rocks