With reference to my Letter of the
20th ultimo in reply to yours of
5th on the subject of reserving for Naval purposes the ground,
Buildings &ca at
Esquimalt Harbour,
Vancouver's Island; I am
commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to transmit
herewith, copy of a Letter from
Rear Admiral Baynes dated the
November last N
o 183 on this subject, and to acquaint you, for the
information of His Grace The
Duke of Newcastle, that my Lords agree
Admiral Baynes, that it would be very desirable that the
Admiralty should become possessed of the Land he refers to viz
about Fifty acres marked Indian Reserve on the enclosed Plan, and
Inskip Island, and my Lords desire me to state, that they would be
glad to be informed, if his suggestion could be carried out upon
reasonable terms.