I have laid before
Lord John Russell your letter of the
2d instant
and its Inclosure from the Admiralty stating that the detachment of
Marines stationed at
San Juan is about to be recalled and requesting
that immediate steps may be taken to have the duties otherwise
In reply to your request for
Lord J. Russell's opinion as to the
answer which should be returned to the Admiralty on
this subject, I am
to request that you will suggest to the Secretary of State for the
Colonies that the Admiralty should be informed that if these Marines
are withdrawn they should be replaced by others, but that it would be
very undesirable that the Officers commanding the present detachment
should be changed, owing to the good understanding which appears to
exist between them and the United States Officers on the Island.
Lord J. Russell would however, further suggest for the consideration
of the Colonial
Secretary, whether it would not be desirable to apply
to the Secretary of State for War, requesting that as soon as Troops
can be spared from China, a Regiment should be sent to
Vancouver's Island. Independently of the advantage which might be expected to
result to
British Columbia from the presence of a British Regiment in
Vancouver's Island, the 100 men required for service on
San Juan
might be furnished by the Regiment and the Marines might in that
be available for their proper services.