I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from
Merivale of the
12th Instant, in which he informs me that your
Grace, after reconsidering the question with respect to the rights of
the Hudson's Bay Company over certain lands held by them in
Vancouver's Island, can only abide by your conclusion previously
announced, namely, that an authoritative decision on the subject
should be obtained from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
Such being your Grace's determination, it only remains to myself and
my Colleagues to submit. We are consequently ready to take such
steps as may be necessary in order to bring the subject, with as
little delay as possible, before the Judicial Committee; and if the
statement already prepared and submitted to your Grace with reference
to the land in
British Columbia be approved of, an addition can be
made to it as regards the Land in
Vancouver's Island.