By accounts received from
Vancouver's Island I learn that one of the
measures recently adopted by
Governor Douglas in his double capacity
of Governor of
Vancouver's Island and of
British Columbia operated in
a manner so unfavourably and as I think unjustly to the interests of
the Hudson's Bay Company that I feel it my duty to bring the matter
under Your Grace's notice.
Your Grace is no doubt aware that
Governor Douglas has of late
imposed heavy duties on all goods imported into
British Columbia.
These duties he finds
it next to impossible to collect within the
Colony of
British Columbia, in consequence of the great extent of the
Coast and the paucity of Custom houses, and, in order to meet the
difficulty, he has fallen on the expedient of exacting the duties
payable on goods entering
British Columbia, before they leave the
port of
As respect the interests of this Company, I have already stated that
the measure operates unfavourably and in my opinion unjustly. The
Hudson's Bay Company, as Your Grace is probably aware, has the
principal Depot for its Trade at
Victoria, where it is very easy for
the Governor to exact the duties to any extent. But the American
Trader and the Smuggler have no difficulty in evading the duties, for
as they do not enter the port of
Victoria, but go to the Coast of
British Columbia direct—where there are no Custom-house Officers
—they escape the duties altogether. And the consequence is that
the Hudson's Bay
Company alone is made to pay the duties.
Herewith I have the honor of transmitting an Extract of a Letter
addressed by
Sir George Simpson to the Secretary of this Company, from which Your Grace will observe that in a recent
trading voyage
of the Hudson's Bay Company's Steamer "
to the North West Coast of North America, the duties levied upon her
Cargo, at
Victoria, under the denomination of
British Columbia Import
duty amounted to no less a sum than £300. Moreover, the duties were
exacted on the whole of her Cargo, although a portion only was
intended for
British Columbia—the remainder being intended for Trade
with the Natives residing in the Territory
rented by this Company
from the Russian American Fur Company.
I have no hesitation in saying that if this system of levying taxes
be continued; if this Company's goods are to be taxed exclusively,
while other Traders are enabled to Traffic all along the Coast
without paying any duty at all; and if, moreover, the Company are to
be called upon to pay
British Columbia import duties for goods sent
to, and to be consumed in, the
Russian Territory; the result will be
that we shall be ultimately forced to withdraw from a trade in which
such unfair advantages are given to the Foreign Trader and
Smuggler—or to establish the Depôts
for our Trade within the
Russian Territory
Territory where we shall not be
subjected to measures of this character.
I would therefore most respectfully submit to Your Grace that
measures should be adopted to stop such proceedings. I venture to
think that your Grace will at once see the illegality of raising at
Victoria the duties on the importation of goods into
Columbia. They might with fully as great justice be raised at
Liverpool or
London. The Colonies are entirely separate, and under
separate Governments, the only connection between them being that the
same functionary happens to be Governor of both. It will
consequently be evident to Your Grace, that in levying duties at
Victoria the Governor collects an export duty from
Island, (for
which he has no Warrant) and not an import duty into
British Columbia.
I beg to assure Your Grace that, in venturing to bring this subject
under your notice, it is not the wish of the Directors of this
Company to evade duties legally imposed, and legally levied. All
that we wish is that the
British Columbia duties should be levied
within that Colony, so that they may be imposed equally upon all
parties trading with that Coast. If that were done, the duties would
not be imposed on the Hudson's Bay Company alone, while small traders
and smugglers were allowed to escape.
Minutes by CO staff
[The following minute to
Blackwood has been crossed out:]
Mr Blackwood
The Despatch referred to is with the Printers: but I expect it back
Mr Elliot
The Proclamation which is impugned is doubtless N
o 3—dated
June/59. You will find it with 10782/
59—which is annexed. The
proviso of the 4 Sect. is what the H.B.C
o complain of.
The first Customs Proclam
n you will find at P. 41 in the 2
series of the
B.C. Parl
y papers.
I think we can scarcely move in this case without a report from the
Sir F. Rogers
This you will see is a question on a customs law. For
Frasers River
there is now a local port in
British Columbia. For places North of
Fraser's River, Vessels are still to call and to pay their duties at
Victoria in
Vancouver Island. I believe that in all Customs
arrangements, the principle of Vessels being obliged to call at some
convenient Port of Entry instead of at every place on the coast they
may desire to visit is recognized from the necessity of the case.
But certainly to require payment in one colony of duties of Import
for another Colony appears a strong measure. And independently of
this the grievance assigned of having to pay on the whole cargo, when
only part is intended for the Colony is
primâ facie a just ground of complaint.
P.S. But then since I wrote this,
Mr Irving has pointed out that
the calling at
Fort Victoria for places North of
Fraser River is only
optional: this makes a great
difference; it renders it an
accommodation afforded to shipping, instead of a burthen.
Whether lawful to tax one Colony for another is a different
It would not, I apprehend be positively illegal for the Leg
re of
Vancouvers Island to impose an export duty on goods exported to
Columbia on the understanding that the proceeds of that duty
shd be
paid over to the
Govt of
B. Columbia. The arguments of the H.B.C.
st the policy & fairness of such a law appear very strong but
they would have to obey it.
But the law actually passed, as far as I see, they could not have
been compelled to obey, if they had chosen to resist it. Certainly a
law passed by the Leg
re of
B.C. (i.e. the Governor) could not compel
any one to ackn
e the authority of Custom H. Off
rs in
Island—or, (except by a circuitous process
wh has not been
adopted)—subject them to penalties for setting it at defiance.
I should hope however that those who have over paid in
V.C.I. duties
wh, though exacted without any [real?] authority [there?],
really became due when the goods on which they were paid were
landed in
B.C. wd not be at liberty to reclaim the money thus paid.
The H.B.C. do not make any such claim.
I should think it
wd be prudent to inform the
Govr of
that the
y wh he possesses of making laws for
B.C. does not extend
beyond the limits of that Colony and the sea within 3 miles of these
limits—that all laws which he may pass professing to extend beyond
these limits will be simply inoperative—(except perhaps in certain
doubtful cases
wh it is unnecesary to refer to)—& therefore that he
must make provision for collecting within the
own limits all duties payable to the
Govt of
B. Columbia.
This as
Mr Elliot remarks is already done with regard to
river. Procl
n N
o 3 of
1850 [1859], section 4.
But it is not done as to ports N. of
Fraser's river; and I rather
doubt whether, practically, the claim gives the option which by its
language it seems to do. Vessels it says "may" clear at
Fort Victoria for
those ports; but if they do clear,
must "pay ... full duties" &c.
I may perhaps be allowed to point out

that the Proclamation in
this provision occurs is of a class
wh is referred as a matter of
course & without comment by this Office to the B
d of Trade &
y, on whose examination of them the C.O. relies.
Sir F. Rogers
(Perhaps you wd. be good enough to look at this again.)
The case seems to stand in this way. By Proclamation of
Decber 3
1858, Customs Duties were imposed on goods imported into
B. Columbia,
which were to be "ascertained, raised, levied, paid & recovered
at Victoria". (B.C. Parl
y Papers Part 2. p. 42, 43). This
Proclamation was approved of by
Sir E.B. Lytton by desp. of
March 19,
1859 (Parl. Papers p. 82), and continued in force (in this respect)
until the
15th June 1859, when it was modified by Proclamation No. 3
2nd June 1859, acc. to
Queensborough (
New Westminster) became the Port of entry for
Fraser River & "the ports of
B. Columbia adjacent to
River"—and it was made
optional, and wd. appear to me, for vessels proceeding to any
"other ports of
B. Columbia", or "any port in
B. Columbia 
Fraser River" (wh. expressions must necessarily mean the same
thing), to clear either at
New Westminster
or Victoria—the latter provision seeming to be intended rather as a
convenience than a restriction. It is strange that neither we nor
the H.B.Co. have discovered the illegality of these Proclamations
until now—when for nearly a year that illegality has, at all events,
been reduced to a much smaller compass than that of the original
Proclamation of
Decber/58. (It will be observed that the
Labouchere" was proceeding to ports
north of
Fraser River.)
I sh. be disposed to answer by stating to the C
o the nature of these
Proclamations, admitting that their illegal character had escaped the
notice of this Office, as well as that of the Treasury & Bd. of Trade,
but drawing attention particularly to the 4
th clause of the
Proclamation of
June/59, by wh. the payment of
B. Columbia duties at
Victoria wd. seem to be optional, saying at the same time, that the
Govr wd. be called on for a Report, & instructed as proposed by
Sir F. Rogers.
Mr Fortescue
I can hardly account for my own oversight in reading the 4
th clause
of the Proclamation N
o 3. I had overlooked the second sentence in
It is consequently clear that the power of clearing at
is optional and this is very material.
I should be inclined to answer the H.B.C. somewhat more shortly than
you propose—stating that their letter would be communicated to the
Govr with special reference to their allegation that they were
compelled to pay duty on goods not imported for Consumption in
Columbia and drawing their attention to the 4
th clause of the
n N
o 3 by which the payment of duties at
Fort Victoria had been
discontinued as to one class of shipping & made optional as to the rest.
And to write to the Governor drawing his attention to the alleged
effect of the Proclamation
st in as much as it is said to be injurious to the honest trade
because it is incapable of being enforced ag
st the smuggler—& 2
because it is said to compel the H.B.C. to pay

duty on goods not
intended for consumption in
B. Columbia.
And pointing out clearly to him the limits of his legislative power
Govr of
B. Columbia.
Write as above. This is a curious series of over-sights by so many
Departments. I suspect however the grievance is more theoretic than
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
13 June 1860, stating his letter
would be forwarded to
Douglas for report, and calling his attention to
the proclamation of
2 June 1859.
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
As these drafts relate to a construction of Laws, and to the limits
of the Governor's Jurisdiction I apprehend I am right in sending them
at once to you.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Douglas, Sir James
Ellice, Edward
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Fraser, Thomas
Hamley, Wymond Ogilvy
Irving, Henry Turner
Joseph, Sidney
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Merivale, Herman
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Simpson, Sir George
Vessels in this document
Labouchere, 1858
Places in this document
British Columbia
Fraser River
New Westminster
Rupert's Land
Russian Territory
Vancouver Island