Referring to the Vote of last Session of Seven Thousand Pounds
(£7000) for the erection of Lighthouses in
Fucas Straits and
Esquimault Harbour
Vancouvers Island, I am directed by the Lords of
the Committee of Privy Council for Trade to acquaint you that the
Governor of that Colony has drawn on the Board of Trade on account of
that Vote for the sums of Eight hundred pounds (£800) and Seven
hundred pounds (£700) making in all One Thousand five hundred pounds
(£1500) and to request that you will
move His Grace The
Duke of Newcastle to instruct the Governor to furnish the Board of Trade,
Govr has been instructed.
in accordance with the letter from the Treasury to the Colonial Office
of the
4th August 1859 with an Account of the Expenditure to the
latest date together with the Vouchers.
For the information of the Governor My Lords direct me to state that
the expenditure incurred by the Board of Trade in this Country for
the supply of the Lanterns Apparatus &c is as follows.
£ s d
rs Wilkins Contract for Lantern 844. 9. 6
do do Framework 371.17. 0
rs Chance's do Optical Parts 1030. .
rs Wilkins Contract for Lantern 229.10. 0

rs Wilkins Contract for Framework &c 72.18. 7
rs Chance's do Optical Parts 89. .
rs Wilkins Acc
t for lightning Conductors 52.16. 3
3 Months Salary advanced to
George Davis
Wm Roberts 62.10. 0
Passages of
George Davis,
William Roberts
and Wife and 3 Children of
Davis in "
Grecian" 99.15. 0
Shipping agents Commission of 2 1/2 per
Cent on ditto 3. 8. 3
Freight of Lanterns &c in "
Grecian" 189.19. 6
Oil & Lighting Stores about 220. .
£3266. 4. 1