No. 40
25 June 1861
I have the honor to forward to you herewith copy of a letter I have received from Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Maitland, the Naval Commander in Chief, with its enclosures reporting the contemplated withdrawal of the detachmentofManuscript image of United States Troops from the Island of San Juan.
2. As this movement is evidently consequent upon the troubles now existing in the Union, and not from any relinquishment of claim to the Territory, I would submit to Her Majesty's Government that we should continue our occupation of the Island until the question of Sovereignty be settled, for of course we have no guarantee against the Island being re-occupied by UnitedStatesManuscript image States Troops at any moment that they might be available for service.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
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Sir F. Rogers
Copy to Foreign Office with reference to our letter of the 26th Inst & acknowledge receipt referring the Govr to the despatch (going by Saturday's Mail) instructing him that the British Detachment is to be retained on the Island whether the Americans are withdrawn or not.
EB Pennell 29-8/61
Proceed as above.
N 31
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Maitland to Douglas, 22 June 1861, forwarding correspondence relating to the withdrawal of American troops from San Juan Island.
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Captain Bazalgette, Royal Marines, to Maitland, 20 June 1861, forwarding correspondence advising of the withdrawal.
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Captain Pickett, U.S. Army, to Bazalgette, 20 June 1861, advising that he had been ordered to withdraw his troops from the island.
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Extract, Head Quarters, District of Oregon, to Pickett, 11 June 1861, special order authorizing the removal and future disposition of the U.S. troops on San Juan Island, by order of Colonel Wright, signed by Lt. J.S. Mason and Lt. James W. Forsythe.
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Bazalgette to Pickett, 20 June 1861, acknowledging receipt of his letter and expressing regret at the news of his departure.
Other documents included in the file
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Rogers to E. Hammond, Foreign Office, 6 September 1861, forwarding copy of the despatch and enclosures.
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Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 69, 3 September 1861.
Douglas, Sir James to Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes 25 June 1861, CO 305:17, no. 7743, 222. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)