With reference to my Despatch N
o 51 of the
8th instant, requesting that Your Grace would cause a supply of Rifles and ammunition to be sent
out to arm the Volunteer Rifle Corps which have been lately enrolled in this Colony,
I also requested that four Light Field Pieces with their furniture should be sent
out at the same time.
Having since writing that Despatch, had the advantage of consulting
Colonel Moody on the equipment of the Rifle Corps, I have now to recommend, instead of the four
Light Field Pieces therein requested,
that Your Grace
would cause to be forwarded, two complete Field
Batteries, including the Howitzer in each Battery; being one Battery
for each Colony; with a full allowance of ammunition, and harness
fitted for the small country breed of horses, which are not over 15
As the roads are rough and unfinished Six horses will be required for
each Gun.