No. 77
28 December 1861
I have to report to your Grace that the Colonial Treasurer, Mr George Tomline Gordon, has been discovered to be a Defaulter in respect to the public money placed in his charge, and I have consequently suspended him from the further exercise of the functions of his office.
TheManuscript image
2. The amount of defalcation at present ascertained is about Six Hundred pounds, produced by an actual deficiency in his Cash Balance, and by certain moneys issued to him under Advance Warrant not being forthcoming. His sureties will be called upon to make good the conditions of their Bonds.
3. Mr Gordon was brought before the Stipendiary Magistrate at Victoria, charged with embezzlement of the public funds, and has been committed upon the clearest evidence, to take his trial at the nextAssizesManuscript image Assizes.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
I am informed by a gentleman from VanCouvr's Island who called here to day that one of Mr Gordon's Sureties is a rich man, & able to indemnify the public for the loss by this defalcation.
ABd 3/3
Mr Fortescue
Another defalcation: the offender has been committed for trial.
TFE 3/3
CF 6
See separate papers.
N 7
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Mr Blackwood
It will be useful if some one in the Division will have the goodness to look back to the report of Mr Gordon's appointment, and see all that appeared about him and especially whether he bore a recommendation from this office.
TFE 3 March
Mr Gordon carried with him a Letter of introduction or recommendation from Sir Edd Lytton to Governor Douglas. Of that Letter there is no record here. Neither I, nor any body in my Division,Manuscript image had any Knowledge of Mr Gordon and his antecedents, or even saw him. Indeed, until the Duke of Newcastle remarked, after his return from B.N.A., upon the appointment made in his absence we had no reason to suppose that Mr Gordon was an objectionable personage.
On the 7th Augt/60 The Governor reported the provisional nomination of Mr Gordon as Treasurer of V.C.I. & referred to Sir E. Lytton's introductory Letter of that gentleman. No apparent objection existing to him, Mr [Gordon] was duly confirmed.
ABd 5 March/62
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I wish Mr Blackwood would make some further enquiry. I do not believe that Sir E. Lytton gave Mr Gordon a letter of introduction. It is within my knowledge that Mr G. was at Boulogne several months after I became Secy of State & I do not think he can have contemplated going to V.C.I. till after Sir E.L. left the Office.
N 7
Mr Blackwood
Mr Sargeaunt has since seen the Duke of Newcastle on this subject.
TFE 24 April
Douglas, Sir James to Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes 28 December 1861, CO 305:17, no. 2192, 559. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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