Separate, Confidential
28 December 1861
It is commonly reported by the Newspaper Press in California, and on
the authority of those Prints, repeated here, that a British Steam
variously stated as the "
Fingal", and by other accounts the
Trent" was boarded some time last month, on the high seas by an
armed party detached from the United States Corvette "
Jacinto" under
the Command of
Commodore Wilkes; and that the Confederate
Commissioners, Mess
rs Mason and
Slidell, who were among the
passengers on board, were, in violation of international Law and the
rights of the Flag, seized upon
and forcibly removed, notwithstanding
the protest of the Master, who had no means of resisting the violence
by which he was threatened.
2. As it is feared that complications may grow out of so rash and
insolent an act, Endangering our friendly relations with the United
States, I think it incumbent on me to review our means of defence,
and the course which ought to be taken
by this Government in the
event of hostilities being declared.
4. Our
4. Our Military Force consists of the Detachment of Royal Engineers
stationed in
British Columbia, and the Royal Marine Infantry
occupying the disputed
Island of San Juan; forming in all about 200
rank and file.
5. The United States have absolutely no Naval Force in these waters,
beyond one or two small Revenue Vessels; and with the exception of
one Company of Artillery,
I am informed that all their regular Troops
have been withdrawn from
Oregon and
Washington Territory; but it must
nevertheless be evident that the small Military Force we possess, if
acting solely on the defensive, could not protect our Extensive
frontier even against the Militia or Volunteer Corps that may be let
loose upon the British Possessions.
6. In such circumstances
I conceive that our only chance of success
will be found in assuming the offensive and taking possession of
Puget Sound with Her Majesty's Ships, re-inforced by such bodies of
local auxilliaries as can, in the Emergency, be raised, whenever
hostilities are actually declared, and by that means effectually
preventing the departure of any hostile armament against the British
Colonies, and at
one blow cutting off the Enemy's supplies by sea,
destroying his foreign trade, and entirely crippling his resources,
before any organization of the inhabitants into military bodies can
have effect.
7. There is little real difficulty in that operation, as the Coast
is entirely unprovided with defensive works, and the Fleet may occupy
Puget Sound without molestation.
8. The small number
of regular Troops disposable for such service
would necessarily confine our operations to the line of coast: but
should Her Majesty's Government decide, as lately mooted, on sending
out one or two Regiments of
Queen's Troops, there is no reason why we
should not push overland from
Puget Sound and establish advanced
posts on the
Columbia River, maintaining it as a permanent frontier.
9. A Small Naval Force entering the
Columbia Riverat
at the same time
would secure possession, and render the occupation complete. There
is not much to fear from the Scattered population of Settlers, as
they would be but too glad to remain quiet and follow their peaceful
avocations under any government capable of protecting them from the
10. With
Puget Sound and the line of the
Columbia River in our
hands, we should hold the only navigable outlets of the
command its trade and soon compel it to submit to Her Majesty's Rule.
11. This may appear a hazardous operation to persons unacquainted
with the real state of these Countries, but I am firmly persuaded of
its practicability; and that it may be successfully attempted with a
smaller force, than, in the event of war, will be required to defend
the assailable points of our extensive frontier, which will be
attacked on
all sides if we remain entirely on the defensive, and
neglect to provide full occupation for the Enemy at home.
12. In any case it will be my first duty, on war being declared, to
provide for the defence of Her Majesty's Possessions by raising and
organizing a local Militia to co-operate with Her Majesty's regular
Forces. The people will no doubt be prepared to make many sacrifices
on behalf of their Country,
but even with the best possible
disposition on their part, funds will be wanted for the Equipment and
Sustenance of such a force which it is utterly impossible for this
Colony to furnish. I therefore beg Your Grace will be pleased
to favor me with definite instructions on this point, so that I may
be in a position to take every advantage of circumstances, and may
not involve Her Majesty's
Government in any Expenditure for which
they may be unprepared.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Though the arrangement of the "
Trent" Affair dispenses with the
necessity of active operations against the United States in this
quarter of the British Possessions I think it
wd nevertheless be
well to communicate to the War Office the Governor's views on the
Military policy which it might have been necessary to adopt on the
declaration of War. His suggestions may be

useful to the War Dep
on some other difficulty arising with the Americans.
It will be necessary to write a short despatch to the Governor
thanking him for the observations which he has offered on this subject.
Copy to War Office and acknowledge as proposed?
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Secretary of State, War Office,
18 March 1862, forwarding
copy of the despatch for information.
Here appears a draft reply to
Douglas, Separate,
6 July 1861, which has been filed with Admiralty 5020/
61. This is followed by the Indexes for the collection.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Mason, Lieutenant J. S.
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Spencer, Captain J. W. S.
Victoria, Queen Alexandrina
Wilkes, Lieutenant Charles
Vessels in this document
HMS Forward, 1855-1869
HMS Grappler, 1856-1883
HMS Hecate, 1839-1865
San Jacinto
HMS Topaze, 1858-1884
RMS Trent, 1841-1865
Triumph, 1861-1869
Places in this document
British Columbia
Columbia River
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
Puget Sound
San Juan Island
Washington Territory