Moncreiff to Newcastle
22d October 1861
My Lord Duke,
I have the honor to transmit the accompanying Petition of John Copland of the Town of Victoria in the Colony of Vancouvers' Island, praying for an order of admission to be an Attorney and Solicitor of the court of Civil Justice of that Island; and to request Your Grace's favorable Consideration of the Petition.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your most obedient Servant
J. Moncrieff

The Duke of Newcastle
Colonial Office
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
This is a second application on behalf of Mr John Copland—See 2742. Inform the writer that a reference was made to the Govr of V. Couver Island last March on the subject of Mr Copland's admission to practice as an Attorney in the Supreme Court of thatManuscript image Colony, and that the Govr has not yet communicated his opinion thereupon to the Duke of Newcastle. Add that without the report of that Officer it is impossible for His Grace to state whether it will be proper or not to comply with Mr Copland's application.
N.B. I think that if we do not hear from the Govr on this matterManuscript image in the course of the next month or so he might be reminded of it.
ABd 30 Octr
I quite agree. If we do not hear before end of November, remind. And in writing to the applicant as proposed, add a sentence saying that unless an early report shd arrive, the Govr will be reminded. Draft.
TFE 30 Oct
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 78, 30 November 1861.
Minutes by CO staff
This despatch is to be sent by the Mail of the 1st of December
unless we previously hear from the Govr on the subject.
Draft to the Lord Advocate.
Other documents included in the file
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Elliot to The Lord Advocate, 4 November 1861, advising that if an answer was not soon received from the governor to a previous application in favour of Copland, the matter would be further looked into.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Petition to Queen Victoria asking for permission to practice law in the Colony, dated 24 July 1861, signed by John Copland.
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Certificate from James Duncan, Solicitor, Supreme Court of Scotland, testifying that Copland served as his clerk for five years and recommending that he be admitted to the bar of Vancouver Island, 21 March 1861, signed by Duncan and H.B. Dewar, Solicitor, Supreme Court of Scotland, and endorsed by approximately twenty-one individuals in the legal profession in Edinburgh.
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Petition from the colony endorsing Copland's application to be admitted to the bar, July 1861, approximately 100 signatures.
Moncrieff, J. to Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes 22 October 1861, CO 305:18, no. 9549, 420. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)