I have had before me, and have consulted the Lords Commissioners
of the Admiralty on the subject of your despatch No. 63 of the
17th of
August forwarding an application for the grant of a rate of
pay to the Gunboats "
Grappler" and "
Forward" during the time they shall
continue employed on the Coasts of
Vancouver Island and
British Columbia.
I am very sensible of the value of the services of these Gunboats
to the Colonies under your Government, and I should have been happy, if
it had been
in my power consistently with general principles, to accede to the application which
you have transmitted in their favour.
The Revenues however of
Vancouver Island and
British Columbia are
not at present in a condition, as you have justly remarked, to furnish
a colonial pay to the Officers and Crews of these
Vessels, even if the
measure were approved.
In the next place I am sorry to say that it is open to serious
objections of principle. When Gold was first found in Australia and an
enormous rise of prices took place under the excitement of such a
discovery, extra allowances were granted to the forces
there. But
affairs have since found their level in that part of the world, and the
Australian Colonies are no longer by any means the most expensive in
the Empire. At the same time the inconveniences attending extra rates
of pay have been found so great, and to give rise to such invidious
distinctions between
the Queens forces employed at different Stations,
that measures are in progress for gradually reducing those special
rates of pay so far as regards the troops. And if they are anomalous
as concerns the forces serving ashore, they must be still more so in
respect of forces serving afloat, which by their very nature are
constantly liable to be moved from place
to place, and which also carry
about with them in their own Vessels their principal Articles of
Consumption. Adverting to these considerations, it would be impossible
to place on the Naval Estimates an exceptional rate of pay for the
Crews of Vessels employed at particular places, and I can only express
my regret that there are
no means of granting with propriety the
advantages which are sought for the Officers and Crews of the present
Gunboats, of which as I have already said I fully appreciate the useful