No. 59, Miscellaneous
12 December 1862
Adverting to your Despatch N
o 94 of the
16h April last, I have the
honor to acquaint Your Grace that by this opportunity will be
forwarded through the Express office of Mess
rs Wells Fargo & C
London Agents, Eives & Macey, of King William Street) a Box
to Her Majesty's Commissioners for Woods and Forests,
containing about 20 lbs weight of Seed, and 6 1/2 Bushels of Cones,
of the Douglas Pine.
2. The greatest care has been taken in the collection and packing of
this Seed, and I hope it will turn out in good condition. The case is
metal lined, and the packages containing the Seed are surrounded by
dry Charcoal to absorb moisture.
The expense of collecting amounts to Sixty five pounds, Thirteen
Shillings, and Five pence (£65.13.5), the particulars of which will
be brought to account in the periodical Statement rendered of the
Receipt and Disbursement of Imperial moneys by this Government.
4. The case has been insured for the amount of 325 Dollars.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Other documents included in the file
Fortescue to
James Howard, Woods and Forests,
20 February 1863,
forwarding copy of the despatch and advising he would be subsequently
contacted regarding payment for gathering the seeds.
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
20 February 1863, forwarding
correspondence relating to the collection of the seeds, and asking
whether the Commissioners of Woods and Forests should be asked to pay
the expense of the collection into the Imperial funds.