Hereford House,
Hereford Rd North
Bayswater W.
4th March 1862
My Lord Duke,
I have the honor to request that you will be pleased to grant me an
extension of leave for a Period of Three Months, private affairs of a
most urgent and pressing nature compel this application.
Appended hereto is a Copy of the letter granting me leave.
I have been Ten Years in

the Public Service of the Colony, during
which time I have only had Leave of Absence from it for two months,
and further, now have been for Two Years, Acting Surveyor General
without any extra pay whatever.
I have the honor to be My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most Obedient and humble Servant
B.W. Pearse
To His Grace the
Duke of Newcastle
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary
of State for the Colonies &c &c
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The writer asks for this leave on acc
t of his intended marriage.
He is otherwise not at all desirous of prolonging his absence from
V.Couver's Island, having had ill-health ever since his return to
this Country.
Draft—to him and to the Govr.
Other documents included in the file
Fortescue to
12 March 1862, advising his leave had been
extended for three months.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
W.A.G. Young, Colonial Secretary, to the Surveyor General,
22 May 1861, granting Pearse twelve months leave of absence.