With reference to my despatch [
B.C.] No. 38 of the
3rd of July 1860 on the subject of the Stationery sent for your use from this
Country, I enclose, for your information, a copy of a letter from the
Comptroller of H. M. Stationery Office mentioning the date at which the
Stationery was shipped to
Vancouver Island and describing the nature of the
paper supplied. I have to request that you will make use of this
paper both for your despatches, and for their enclosures, in
corresponding with this Department.
Much inconvenience is felt in this Office by your continuing to
use paper of a size different from that which is ordinarily employed.
I have also to call your attention to my despatch No. 63 of the
26th of June last, and
to request that you will give directions for the
payment without delay of the account of the Stationery Office in the
manner therein suggested.