Whereas the governor of Her Majesty’s
Island of Vancouver with the Council and assembly of the said Island did in the months of
October and
November, 1861, pass four acts which have been transmitted entitled as follows, viz
No: 38. “An Act to enable Aliens to
hold and transmit Real Estate.”
No: 39. “An Act to provide for the Naturalization
of Aliens”
No: 40. “An Act to cure defects in
Gittes to Real Estate in
Vancouver Island and its Dependencies, held or derived through Aliens.”
No: 41
No: 41. “An Act to amend the Procedure in Civil Cases.”
And whereas the said Acts have been laid before Her Majesty in Council, together with
a letter is the Lord President of the Council, from the Most Noble the
Duke of NewCastle, one of Her Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, recommending that the said
acts should be left to their operation, Her Majesty was thereupon this day pleased,
by and with the advice of Her Privy Council to approve
to approve the said Recommendation. Whereof the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander
in Chief for the time being of Her Majesty’s
Island of Vancouver, and all other persons whom it may concern are to take notice and Govern themselves