49 St. Paulo Road
Camden Square
May 21st 1862
My Lord Duke,
I have the honor to enclose to your Grace the Copy of a letter from the Registrar
of the Supreme Court of Demerara, and also the copy of one from the Sheriff Clerk
at Perth, giving information concerning
Mr David Cameron the Chief Justice of
Island, who is one of the Officials whose conduct is complained of, in the statement which
I had the honor to address to Your Grace on the
18th June last, which
statement was placed in Your Grace’s hands by
Mr Charles W. Fitzwilliam
Dear Sir,
I have to apologize for not sooner answering yours of
10th Ultimo, but you will 〰 excuse the delay, when I tell you I have for the last few weeks been
suffering from 〰 indisposition generally confined to the house and a good deal to
bed, and so prevented from obtaining the information noted below. I cannot discover
H. Cameron obtained any more formal discharge from his 〰 creditors than is implied in the
fact that certain of his Creditor took Bills for his imposition.
By the Law of Scotland, although these Bills were dishonored when due, and so rendered
the proceedings for recovery necessary which I showed you, that would not revive the
〰 original claim of the creditors to 20s/- per £.
Wm Cameron the Cousin has made thorough search for the acknowledgement by
David of which he thought he was possessed, without being able to find it and I have not
succeeded in finding any specimen of his 〰
Wm Gray had nothing to do with the Bankrupt, nor with the 〰 Creditors, having only acted
as Notary for the Banks at which the Bills fell due.
I find however that
David has two brothers
Charles and
John Cameron, who 〰 carry on business as Bankers in London; their address is 16 Duke St Strand.
I regret that I am unable further to satisfy your enquiries and remain