Arthur Helps, Council Office, to Colonial Office,
13 November 1862,
reporting the approval of the following acts: No. 54, An Act to
Authorize the Governor of
Vancouver Island and Its Dependencies to
Borrow Money for Temporary Purposes; No. 55, An Act to Confirm the
Appointment of Certain Members of the Court of Revision under the Real
Estate Tax Act
1860; No. 56, An Act to Enlarge the Time Limited by the
Victoria Gas Company's Extension Act
1861 for the Establishment of Gas
Works and Buildings by the Victoria Gas Company; No. 57, An Act to
Authorize the Chief Justice of
Vancouver Island and its Dependencies to
Make Certain Necessary Appointments; No. 58, An Act to Establish Fire
Limits within the
Town of Victoria; No. 59, An Act to Protect the
Property of a Wife Deserted by her Husband; and No. 60, An Act to
Authorize the Appoinment of a Sanatory Commission for the
Town of
Victoria and to Define the Powers thereof.