No. 16
21 May 1863
My Lord Duke,
A series of Murders committed by Indians having been lately brought
to light I have considered it expedient to take very active measures
for the punishment of the criminals as a public example indispensable
for the prevention of crime.
2. The victims, in all these cases, have been persons incautiously
travelling about the Coast in boats or canoes either alone or in
company with a single companion, and in one case, I believe without
even the protection of firearms; none of the resident Settlers have
been disturbed in any part of the Colony, and there is no evidence
tending to show that those outrages have anything of a national
character, on the contrary there is every reason to believe that
plunder was the sole object and the victims were made away with, for
the purposes of concealment, and to avoid detection by effacing all
evidence of the crime.
3. The first intimation of these outrages was received from
Henly who, some time ago, arrived here from
Pender Island, and
reported that he and
William Bradyhis
his companion, both natives of the
United States, had been attacked—
Brady killed and himself badly
wounded by a party of 3 men and 2 women of the Cowitchin Tribe. The
latter had been kindly entertained by
Brady the preceeding evening,
and continued on the most friendly terms until the moment of the
treacherous attack, which took place in the night after the two men
had retired to rest
and were asleep.
Brady was mortally wounded at
the first fire, and unable to move, but
Henly rushing from the tent,
wounded as he was, succeeded after a fierce struggle in putting the
Savages to flight. He remained for three days by his dying friend,
and until he breathed his last, and then made his way by boat alone
and unaided to
4. Information was, about the same time, received
of the
disappearance of a
Mr and Miss Marks, Father and Daughter in passing
by boat from
Waldron to
Mayne Island in the Haro Archipelago, and
from the fact of the Boat having been found adrift in a mutilated
state and other suspicious circumstances it was feared they had come
to a violent end.
6. The Lamalcha Indians who reside on
Kuper Island, and bear a very
bad character were accused by the neighbouring Indians of having shot
Marks and his poor Daughter, with circumstances of great atrocity,
and of having taken possession of their property.
acting on that information, proceeded to their Village in the
Forward" with the view of hearing what they had to say in defence;
but to his suprise they refused to go on board or to communicate with
him in any manner; declaring they would not allow the Murderers to be
arrested, and would protect them at the hazard of their lives. They
moreover seized their arms and assuming an attitude of defiance
the result.
Inspector Smith then, very properly, made a
demand upon
Commander Lascelles for assistance, and that Officer
immediately called upon the Indians to give up the criminals or force
would be used to compel obedience to the Law. This having no effect,
after an interval of 15 minutes, a shot was fired into the Village,
and was immediately followed by a volley of
small arms from the
Indians, who securely posted amid the rocks and thickets near the
anchorage, kept up a sustained and well directed fire upon the
Forward", by which, I regret to say, that one boy
Charles F. Gliddon
was killed; but no other casualty occurred. The savages were
and fled to the woods after a sharp skirmish, and ultimately their
village was distroyed, but none of the criminals, accused
murder, were at that time captured.
7. The three Cowitchins and one of the women concerned in the Murder
Brady were arrested without conflict, their friends having made no
effort to protect them from Justice. These latter have been since
tried at this place, and found guilty of Murder, and the three men
will be executed in a few days.
8. A detachment of Police and a strong Naval force, kindly furnished
Commodore Spencer are now in active search of the Lamalcha Indians
who are charged with being concerned in the death of
Marks, and I
trust they will ere long be apprehended.
9. These proceedings have produced much excitement among the
inhabitants of the Colony, without I conceive, any real cause of
alarm, as the
Indian Tribes are, as a body, well disposed, and if
disaffected might be speedily reduced to obedience.
10. A paragraph which appeared yesterday in a local paper, reports a
recent conflict with the Lamalcha Indians, and that thirteen of the
Seamen and volunteers had been wounded in the affray. This is a mere
fabrication, nothing of the kind having occurred, and every man of
the expeditionary force being by late accounts, in perfect health.
11. I have submitted these details at the risk of being tedious, in
order that Your Grace may have correct information and be relieved
from anxiety on our account.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
Humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Acknowledge and approve proceedings.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brady, William
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Gliddon, Charles F.
Henley, John
Lascelles, Horace Douglas
Marks, Frederick
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Smith, Superintendant Horace
Spencer, Captain J. W. S.
Vessels in this document
HMS Forward, 1855-1869
Places in this document
Kuper Island
Mayne Island
Pender Island
Waldron Island