I should think that stringent

instructions ought to be addressed to
Governor Douglas, directing him to use every effort in his power to
prevent any Privateers or vessels of war being fitted out from
Vancouver Island and from
British Columbia for the service of either
of the belligerents? We may perhaps add that with reference to the
Circular Instructions of
16 May 1861 and to
Governor Douglas's
answer, the
Duke of Newcastle cannot doubt that he will already have
felt the propriety of this course, but that adverting to the recent
rumors, the
Duke of Newcastle has thought it right not to omit
repeating directions to him to adhere strictly to the duties of
neutrality and to prevent the unlawful equipment at a British Port
of any vessel destined for warlike purposes?
In answer to the Foreign Office, we might inform them of the
Instructions which were issued on the
16 May 1861 and of
Douglas's answer that he had duly conformed to the same, and might
then enclose a copy of the further directions now given to the