Richards to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Hydrographic Office, Admiralty
20th August 1864
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of
instant enclosing copies of dispatches from the Governor of
Island on the subject of the ownership of
Fisgard Island, and
requesting that I will communicate to you for
Mr Cardwell's use any
information I may be able to supply relative to the ownership of this
Rock in the first instance by a Private Individual.
Previous to the transfer of the Colony of
Vancouver Island from the
Hudson's Bay Company to Her Majesty's Government, the whole or nearly
the whole of the Shores of
Esquimalt Harbour together with the
numerous small Islands in it were owned either by the
Puget Sound
Company or by private individuals.
The property of Belmont at the Entrance of the harbour was I believe
owned by
Mrs Young before her marriage, or by her father, and
Fisgard Island, a bare Islet between
100 and 200 yards in extent and
20 feet high, lying about 100 yards from Belmont, was I believe an
adjunct of that property.
When the Colony was established under Government auspices and became
the head quarters of the Navy with a prospect of Government
Establishments Light Houses &c, the price of land in
Harbour rose very considerably.
Fisgard Island is very small and of no intrinsic value, yet
I think it must be considered in the same category as various other
apparently equally valueless spots of ground in
Esquimalt, and when
it was chosen as the site of a Light House. I do not think it was
unfair that the Proprietor of it should have expected some
remuneration, nor do I conceive, looking to parallel cases, that the
remuneration paid to
Mrs Young was unreasonable.
As regards the money having been paid before a deed of Transfer was
made; there was not the greatest regularity observed in such matters
owing to the want of Legal Officers &c, but I apprehend that the
omission lay with the Surveyor General,

and not with
Mrs Young.
I beg to enclose a Chart of
Esquimalt Harbour by which
Mr Cardwell
will better understand the bearings of the case, and I shall be very
happy to give any further information personally if required.
Minutes by CO staff
I think the
Govr shd be ans
d by sending him a copy of this report
of the Hydrographer of the Adm
y, & that he
shd be instructed to
follow the advice of the Attorney
Genl of
V.C.I. as to the proper
mode of completing the conveyance to the Crown of
Fisgard Island, as
the Surveyor
Genl has neglected to sign the Deed.
But the Governor asks us to communicate on the subject with
Mr Young
who is in this Country. Have we got his address?
I cannot help thinking that
Gov Kennedy may be unnecessarily
apprehensive about this Case. I submit a draft of a reference to the
Land Board.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners,
29 August 1864, forwarding
copy of correspondence relative to the dispute over ownership
Fisgard Island for their observations.