Having in obedience to your orders left
Esquimalt Harbour on the evening of the 17
th Inst: at daylight on the following morning, I called at
Neeah Bay,
Cape Flattery, & there obtained a Clayoquot Indian Pilot & Interpreter who has been of
Rear Admiral
The Hon. J. Denman
very great service during this cruise.
I also received information of the persons concerned in the Piracy & murder committed
on the sloop
by the Ahusett Indians in
Clayoquot Sound.
At 1.30 P.M. on the same day I called off
Cape Beale , but finding both villages deserted, proceeded round the Cape & anchored in
Bamfield Creek.
At night I landed at the house of the Chief & as he had hidden himself, & would not
come forward I seized his canoes, & took his Daughter as a hostage. I found the Indians
fully prepared for resistance
some 300 men being under arms at
the Numukamis Village, & that they had received information, that the object of our visit, was to arrest
the murderers of
Mr. Bamfield.
On Monday afternoon
Mr. Smith left in his boat with two Indians & his assistant, to pull round to
the Numukamis Village. When near the village he was surrounded suddenly by 12 large canoes, containing
60 or 70 armed Indians who seized
Mr. Smith’s assistant & took him on shore. Immediately on
Mr. Smith’s return on board I weighed & proceeded to an anchorage about 1000 yards from
the Numukamis Village, when upon
the ship’s appearance,
Mr. Smith’s assist: was at once sent on board in a canoe.
On Tuesday morning I obtained one of the tribe as an Interpreter & through him & another
whom I had seized as a hostage endeavoured to restore confidence to the Indians.
By degrees I got them to come off to the ship, & they pledged themselves to give up
the murderers of
Mr. Bamfield. They stated that their being under Arms was owing to the threats of the Master of
the Schooner Surprise
that when a man of war did visit them, she would at once open fire upon them.
On Wednesday morning a large portion of the tribe came alongside I managed to allay
their alarms & excitement & to restore confidence among them. I spoke to them about
their general behaviour to the White traders lately, telling them that while we were
determined to punish them for any crimes, we were at the same time ready to protect
them against any injustice. They complained much of the behaviour of the Traders to
them, saying that frequently any wrong they did, was provoked by the bad language
used towards them & in some cases by their being pushed &
struck by the men in the trading schooners. They all begged that I would bring this
matter to the notice of H. Ex. the governor, & request him to issue a warning to the
masters of trading vessels visiting them, to be more circumspect in their language
& behaviour to the Indians, when trading with them.
The interpreter’s information regarding the murder of
Mr. Bamfield is that an Indian named
Klats-mish, held
Mr. Bamfield by the hair, another named
Hoth-lu-arta, stabbed him in the right side & a third named
Luch-kool stabbed him in the left side & the back of the neck.
The Chief Cleyshin instigated them to the murder &
Mr. Bamfield’s property. They buried the body in the bush at the back of the house, but about
10 days before our arrival (having heard that information of the crime had been given
to the authorities at
Victoria) they disinterred the remains & sunk them in the Sound.
On Thursday morning the 22
nd I weighed from
Numukamis & proceeded through junction passage, &
Seshart, & anchored in
Toquat Harbor, at the entrance
Pipe-stem Inlet. Here again I found the Indians under arms, their faces blacked & ready for resistance,
the interpreter went among them & re-assured them, & in the afternoon the whole of
the tribe came on board & I impressed upon them the perils they incurred by any violence
offered by them, to the traders & the certain punishment that would follow a second
offence of the same kind. The pistol stolen from the
was returned.
At daylight on Friday morning I weighed from
Toquat & proceeded out of
Barclay Sound through the Western channel & entering
Clayoquot Sound by the ship channel anchored in 8fms. off
the Ahusett Village.
On Saturday morning I observed several canoes full of Indians watching the ship from
Base point &
Clifford point, This & information received from a
Nootka Sound Canoe, led me to believe that they were to be found in
Herbert or
North Arm. I anchored in the evening off
Bawden Bay & searched the Village in
Matilda Creek, having been told that some of the goods stolen from the
were secreted there. The search was unsuccessful but traces were found proving that
the Indians had only recently left. On Sunday morning 8 canoes full of armed Indians,
were observed watching the ship from different points, & after some difficulty I
managed to communicate with them. After various communications on Sunday & Monday
forenoons, their positive & final answer was, that they would not restore the goods
taken from the
would not deliver up the guilty parties & would not hold any further
communication with the ship, being determined to fight. Their tactics were truly Indian, 50 men
were placed in Ambush at the extreme point of
Matilda Creek; 40 were concealed round the village, 30 in
Bawden Bay & the remainder were a short distance up
Herbert Inlet, & every endeavour was made to draw our boats into these Ambushed.
I am of opinion that this Ahusett tribe (who number 195 fighting men) will offer a
determined resistance. That the guilty persons can be taken eventually is certain
but I feel assured that it cannot be done without loss of life, considerable on their
side, & some on our own.
The Chief of the Clayoquot Indians has offered his assistance with men & canoes, &
I have brought him to make that offer to H. Ex. the governor & as it is certain that
nothing can be done without very severe measures, I have deemed it better to return
to this Port, to receive your further instructions.
I have &c.