Lugard to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
[War Office]
29th September 1864
I have laid before the Secretary of State for War your letter of the
13th Ultimo together with its enclosure from the Governor of
Vancouvers Island in which he requests to be furnished with the Copy
of any Colonial Volunteer Act which may be deemed most applicable to
that Island.
In reply I am to request that you will acquaint
Mr Secretary
Cardwell that the Imperial Act, a copy of which will be found at the
commencement of the Book
of Regulations for the Volunteer Force, is
the best model for legislation on this subject which
Earl de Grey can
suggest, subject of course to such modifications as the local
circumstances of the Colony may require.
It would be well however that the Governor should be informed that a
Colonial Act should contain no provision defining the relative rank
of Volunteer Officers and Officers of the Regular Army—this being
fixed by the recent General Order of the Field Marshal Commanding in
In compliance with your request I am to annex a copy of the
Regulations of 1863 together with a set of the Volunteer Circulars
which have been issued since the publication of that Volume. The
works which are recommended to be used in the instruction of
Volunteers are specified in Article 245 of the Regulations.
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Forward to the
Govr a copy of this Letter for his information
together with the Book of Regulations.
Other documents included in the file