No. 2
Downing Street
30th April 1864
I have received Sir James Douglas's despatch No. 3 of the 12th of February enclosing a Resolution of the House of Assembly of Vancouver Island in which the House declines to pass the Civil List Act proposed in the Duke of Newcastle's despatch marked "Separate"ofManuscript image of the 15th June last.
I regret that the House of Assembly did not feel able to concur in the proposals submitted to it on this subject.
I am desirous however to prevent as far as possible the disappointment and inconvenience to individuals which this decision might occasion.
It appears from the Resolution of the AssemblythatManuscript image that the Crown Land Fund for the year 1863 amounted to £4500 but that a considerable portion of this sum consisted of the proceeds of sales effected in former years. There may be sources of Revenue, such as fines and forfeitures, fees of Office, the proceeds of which the Crown could justly appropriate, but intheManuscript image the absence of any precise information on this head I can only authorize you to issue warrants for the payment of the salaries of the Governor and the Colonial Secretary, at the respective rates of £3000 and £600 per annum assigned to them by my Predecessor, out of any funds which may be under the direct controlandManuscript image and at the disposal of the Crown.
It will of course rest with the Legislature to make provision for the remuneration of the other Officers employed under the Government in any way and from any source which may seem most appropriate to them.
Besides the Civil List, Sir James Douglas's despatchraisesManuscript image raises a still larger and more important question, namely the union of both Colonies under one Governor, though with some distinct administrative departments.
On this subject I am desirous of having the benefit of your views as soon as you shall have acquired on the spot sufficient experience and knowledge to enable youtoManuscript image to form your opinion, and to supply reliable information for the assistance and guidance of Her Majesty's Government in considering the question. I shall in like manner ask Governor Seymour, to whom I shall communicate a copy of this despatch, to furnish his views on the same matter, andIManuscript image I need scarcely say that it will not only be unobjectionable but highly desirable, that you and he should consult freely on the subject, although it will be the most convenient course that ultimately each should report to me independently the conclusions which he may form on the subject.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient servant
Edward Cardwell
Cardwell, Edward to Kennedy, Arthur 30 April 1864, NAC :, 70. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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