No. 35
I have received and have had under my consideration an Act passed
by the legislature of
Vancouver Island in
March last and entitled, No.
89 "An Act to establish Pilots for the
Port of Victoria and for other
purposes relating thereto," which was forwarded with your Despatch No.
10, of the
14th March.
I have reported to Her Majesty in Council my Opinion that this Act
should be left to its operation; and I have the honor to transmit to

herewith an Order of Her Majesty in Council dated the
27th of August
approving that report.
The enclosed Copy of a Letter from the Board of Trade will place
you in possession of the Lordships' views on the subject of this Act,
and I beg to call your attention to their suggestion that in future
Legislation respecting pilotage, regard should be had to the Imperial
Acts on that subject.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Order in Council,
27 March 1864, approving "an Act to establish Pilots for the
Port of Victoria."
Booth to the Under Secretary of State,
22 July 1864, approving of the Act but cautioning that future legislation concering pilots should
be made with respect to existing legislation of the Imperial Parliament.