No. 20, Separate
4th April 1865
Referring to my Despatch No 15 dated 21st March 1865 transmitting certain Resolutions and Report from the Victoria Chamber of Commerce I have now the honor to forward the copy of a correspondence which has passed between Governor Seymour and myself.
TheManuscript image
The Resolutions and Report of the Chamber of Commerce were published in the local papers on the same day on which I received them, and I did not therefore think it necessary to call Mr Seymour's attention to a matter of public notoriety, nor do I think I would have been justified in withholding a document entrusted to me for transmission to Her Majesty's Secretary of State while I submitted it for Governor Seymour's remarks—I was guided by the Colonial Regulations (ChapterVIManuscript image VI, Sections 208-9) in the course I pursued and if I have committed any error I will be glad to be corrected.
He was right in sending home the Resolutions & Report for the Ch: of Commerce requested that they might be forwarded to the S. State.
I perused the Resolutions and Report of the Chamber of Commerce very carefully and failed to discover any "unfounded statements" which I would certainly have brought to your notice had I observed them.
Govr Seymour does not admit this (see 6176 and 5188) on the contrary he declares "the statements to be very incorrect."
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
The correspondence referred to will come with the Original desph. I suspect it will not be a pleasant one—the subject, probably, having reference to the new B.C. Tariff or the "Union." The report &c of the Chamber of Commerce of Victoria is in circn with other papers.
ABd 27 May
Wait the further papers, and the reports also from the other Colony?
TFE 27/5
FR 29/6
CF 30
EC 31
See minute on 1676 B.C.
ABd 4 July
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Seymour to Kennedy, 18 March 1865, responding to the resolutions and report in favour of union just published in the newspaper, and advising that he regretted "to observe a considerable want of candour in the statements attributed by the Local Press to the Chamber of Commerce."
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Kennedy to Seymour, 24 March 1865, advising that the Chamber of Commerce in Victoria had indeed drafted the resolutions and report and confirming that they had been forwarded to the Secretary of State.
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Seymour to Kennedy, 29 March 1865, expressing a wish that the papers in question had been forwarded to him before transmission to the Secretary of State.
Minutes by CO staff
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Very abrupt style of writing to a brother Governor.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Newspaper clipping, The Vancouver Times, 9 March 1865, providing a copy of the resolutions and report passed by the Victoria Chamber of Commerce.
Minutes by CO staff
Kennedy, Arthur to Cardwell, Edward 4 April 1865, CO 305:25, no. 5153, 224. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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