Referring to my Despatch N
o 15 dated
21st March 1865 transmitting
certain Resolutions and Report from the
Victoria Chamber of Commerce
I have now the honor to forward the copy of a correspondence which
has passed between
Governor Seymour and myself.
The Resolutions and Report of the Chamber of Commerce were published
in the local papers on the same day on which I received them, and I
did not therefore think it necessary to call
Mr Seymour's attention
to a matter of public notoriety, nor do I think I would have been
justified in withholding a document entrusted to me for transmission
to Her Majesty's Secretary of State while I submitted it for
Seymour's remarks—I was guided by the Colonial Regulations (Chapter
VI, Sections 208-9) in the course I pursued and if I have committed
any error I will be glad to be corrected.
He was right in sending home the Resolutions & Report for the Ch: of
Commerce requested that they might be forwarded to the S. State.