Referring to my Confidential Despatch dated 16th December 1865 I
have the honor to transmit a copy of the "Daily Chronicle," 19th
December 1865, containing a debate upon a "Franchise Act" now before
the Legislative Assembly of the Colony, a portion of which I have
marked in red ink.
The propositions and expressions attributed to
Helmcken and
Tolmie have not been disavowed and are I have no doubt in the main
correct. One of these Gentlemen, as you are aware, is Speaker of the
House of Assembly, and the other represents the Hudson's Bay Company
in this Colony and they are certainly the two most influential
Members of the representative Body.
At another time, and in
other localities any disparagement of sound
and proper nationality might be left unnoticed, but in a community
such as that of
Vancouver Island, where there is at present a large
American element, the language attributed to
Dr Helmcken is not only
to be lamented but mischievous.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Ack. rec
t of this & the previous
desph of 16 Dec
Dr Helmcken's prop
n is that aliens should vote without
nationalizing themselves as British Subjects. I do not think this
ought to be allowed.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Newspaper clipping,
The Daily Chronicle, 19 December 1865, reporting the debate in
the Legislative Assembly over a bill to amend the Franchise Act.
Other documents included in the file