I referred the question for the consideration of the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty,
and I transmit to you for your
information a copy of the reply which has been received, enclosing a
full report on the subject from the Admiralty Registrar. You will
perceive that although the Lords Commissioners concur with
Rothery in thinking that, under the circumstances stated there was no
legal necessity for issuing to the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court a
special Commission as Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court, yet that in
order to avoid all doubt their Lordships decided upon issuing such a
You will further perceive that the same doubt was found
to exist with regard to the Constitution of the Court and Appointment
of the Vice-Admiralty Judge in the Colony under your Government, and
I enclose a Commission which I have received from their Lordships for
the formal Appointment of
D. Cameron Esqr. to the Office in question,
and Tables of Fees for the Vice-Admiralty Court.
When this Commission has expired the Colony will fall under the
operation of 26
Victoria, Chapter 24, and no further
Commission will
be requisite.