I requested the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade
to give directions for the supply of the Lighthouse Stores and the ruby
shades for the
Fisgard Lighthouse for which application was made in your
despatch No. 32 of the
25th ofMay
May last, and their Lordships have
apprized me that one ruby shade has been delivered to Messrs.
Ewis and
Macey of King William's Street
London, to go via
Panama; that two shades
have been shipped with the other Lighthouse stores by the "
Severn" which
goes round
Cape Horn; and that of the remaining three shades one will be
sent to Her Majestys Consul at
Panama, the other two by the next vessel
which sails round
Cape Horn.
I am further informed that each of the ruby glass shades
to go via
Panama and by the "
Severn" have been made in two pieces of thicker
glass in order to ensure as much as possible their safe conveyance.
Other documents included in the file
Shipping receipt, 15 August 1865, for rape seed oil, lighthouse stores, and stained glass.
Shipping receipt, 18 September 1865, for "merchandise".