As the late proceedings of the House of Assembly of
Island are not calculated to inspire confidence in obtaining repayment
of advances made out of Crown Funds, I consider it advisable to instruct
you not to make any further issues from that source except for the
specially sanctioned by me. You will continue to pay the
salaries of yourself and the Colonial Secretary. You will also be at
liberty to pay part of the Surveyor's salary: vizt so much as is fitting
remuneration for services rendered to the Crown Revenue. But that
Officer, if not paid from the General Revenue will, I consider, be at
liberty to refuse to perform that part of his duties which would be
properly paid for out of that source. You will also be at liberty to
make from the Crown Revenue such payments as may
be necessary for its
own administration, maintenance and increase. Subject to these payments
the Crown Fund must be carefully husbanded to meet liabilities
resembling that incurred for the Lighthouses in which the interest or
credit of the Crown is concerned and which the Legislature refuses to