No. 55, Separate
1. I have the honor to transmit the Blue Book of this Colony for the
year 1865.
2. The delay which has occurred in the preparation of this Blue Book
is in some degree owing to the want of sufficient clerical assistance.
3. The circumstances of the Colony during the year
1865 were
such as
do not call for much comment in addition to the observations made in
my Despatch N
o 73,
24th August 1865 in which I transmitted the
Blue Book for
4. Under this head an equalization, and in some instances an
increase, of Port and Harbour Dues and Trade Licences have resulted
in an increase of receipts. The Salaries Tax was imposed in 1865.
5. The
5. The receipts for Liquor Licences continue to be very considerable
in proportion to the population.
6. A Statement of the Crown Revenue is given separately from the
General Revenue. The increase under the heads of Real Estate Tax and
Victoria City Tax arose from the collection of arrears, and that
under the head of Port and Harbour Dues
as already explained in
paragraph 4 of this Despatch. The increase under the head of postage
arises from the receipts for the sale of foreign stamps being now for
the first time brought to account. The inclusion of the Bank Account
swells the figures of Revenue beyond the amount strictly available as
7. The Expenditure is in like manner apparently increased by
Bank account being included. Many of the items of increase and
decrease in the Expenditure may be accounted for by the
classification of the details differing somewhat from that adopted in
8. The estimate of the population (exclusive of Aborigines), 6000,
compared with 8000 estimated for
1864, shows a decrease of 2000. Any
falling off in the population may have arisen to some extent
from the
restlessness of a large portion of it, and from its susceptibility of
influences including change of abode. Depression in trade and the
want of progress in the settlement of the Island owing to the
peculiar condition of matters relating to Crown Lands, may also have
tended to a reduction of the population. I should state, however,
that I regard this estimate of the decrease of the population with
great doubt.
9. The
9. The decrease in the Imports may be attributed to similar causes.
10. I may remark in conclusion that during the year 1865, from
circumstances with which you are fully acquainted, the state of this
Colony may be regarded as one of expected transition rather than of
progress, although the Colony contains within itself the elements of
substantial prosperity.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The closing words are comforting.
Print as usual with the Reports on the Blue Books.
Returns to the Library.
N.B. The Crown Fund for /
amounted in net rec
£4232.2. 6
due to it
5474.7. 5
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)