You are aware that
the plan of Uniting the two Colonies has been
for some time under consideration. It was the wish of the
Duke of
Newcastle to have effected this measure, and though His Grace deferred
to the public feeling which prevailed against Union he entertained
little doubt that the force of circumstances would, at no distant
period, cause a change of opinion in the minds of the reflecting and
intelligent Members of the Community. This opinion has been fully
realized. During
the years
1865 and
1866 applications have been
formally addressed to Her Majesty's Government by the Legislature of
Vancouver Island praying to be united with
British Columbia, and my
Predecessor in this Office, who for two years had carefully watched the
course of events in both colonies, was satisfied not only that this
Union would prove advantageous to both colonies, but that it had become
Mr. Cardwell therefore, introduced a Bill into the House
Commons for this purpose which after careful consideration was
adopted by Her Majesty's present Advisers and has now received the
sanction of Parliament.
You will perceive that the 3rd Clause of the
Act imposes on the Governor of
British Columbia the duty of proclaiming
the Law when
Vancouver Island will cease to be a separate Colony and
your own functions as its Governor will unavoidably terminate.
I regret much
the unfavorable effect which this measure will have upon interests.
And I regret it the more because I am aware that your conduct in the
Administration of a Government which has been by no means free from
difficulty has been distinguished by good judgment and has uniformly
obtained the approbation of my Predecessor.
I am confident that so long as you retain the Government of
Vancouver Island, from which I am thus reluctantly obliged to relieve
you, it will be your endeavour to support
the policy of Her Majesty's
Government, and to facilitate by all means in your power the
consolidation of Her Majesty's Colonies on the Pacific under one
effective Government.