Hamburger was part of the early Jewish, merchant community in the
Cariboo region with
J. Boas,
S. D. Levi, David Solokosky, Herman Lewin, Isadore Braverman, and Herman Schultz.
From notices in the Cariboo Sentinel, it appears that Hamburger worked in conjunction
Levi and
Boas as a handler of investments.
2 Bankruptcy court reports show Hamburger’s frustrations with a bankrupted estate he
was trying to collect money from; the judge commented on the poor accounts Hamburger
kept and tossed the case.
Hamburger appears in this
despatch, wherein he reportedly borrows $2000 from
Ivel (Joel) Abbott. Additionally, he witnesses that
out of one little crevice, ... he, Abbott, took 60 ounces out of it.
- 1. Marie Elliott, Gold and Grand Dreams, (Victoria: Horsdal and Schubart, 2000), 13.
- 2. Bankruptcy Court, The Cariboo Sentinel, July 8, 1865.
- 3. Ibid.