According to this document, on August 11, 1859, Rear Admiral Baynes was invited to
conference on the US steamer shubrickShubrick, by Lieutenant Colonel Casey. Baynes declined the meeting on the shubrickShubrick, but extended an invitation to Casey to come aboard his own ship, HMS gangesGanges.
The shubrickShubrick is mentioned also in this despatch, in which Governor Seymour was forced to send
a request to its Commander not to fire a salute, as he lacked the ability to return
the compliment due to a lack of supplies.
Mentions of this vessel in the documents
Seymour, Governor Frederick to Cardwell, Edward 14 March 1865, CO 60:21, no. 6170,
The Colonial Despatches: Campbell, Archibald
Romaine, William Govett to Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester 27 September
1859, CO 305:12, no. 9686, 47.