Leeds, 21 Cheapside,
July 14th 1858.
A measure having been introduced to establish a Government for
New Caledonia, which if adopted must necessarily involve the appointment of efficient officers,
and having recently returned from
Vancouver's Island, after a residence of nearly Five Years, during which time I held several responsible
public offices (as you will perceive by the accompanying copy of my Testimonials.)
I beg most humbly to solicit an appointment in the said Colony in any capacity you
may consider me qualified to fulfil.
Having resided there for the above named period, I have consequently become acquainted
with the manners and customs of the Natives, which I trust will be considered a necessary
qualification for such appointment.
Allow me to remark that my Family
are all well known to the Hon. Members for Leeds, my uncle having for upwards of Twenty
years held the office of "Clerk to the Leeds Justices."
Permit me to add that should this application be honored with your kind approval nothing
shall be wanting on my part faithfully to carry out the wishes and intentions of Her
Majesty's Government requisite to the formation and extension of such an important
I am at your service, and shall be happy to furnish any information respecting the
Colony, and waiting your reply,
I have the Honor to be, Sir
Your Most obt. Humble
Robert Barr Jun
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
r that a note shall be made of his application.
This gentleman has colonial knowledge.
Other documents included in the file

Carnarvon to
22 July 1858, stating his application will be noted and considered with those of other candidates.
People in this document
Barr, Robert
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Carnarvon, Earl
Cooper, James
Helmcken, John S.
Kennedy, John Frederick
Langford, Edward Edwards
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Merivale, Herman
Tod, John
Places in this document
New Caledonia
Vancouver Island