I Beg to offer to your consideration a new route to
Columbia namely "The Mexican Interoceanic route" from Veracruz
on the Atlantic and Acapulco on the Pacific. My name is connected
with this route and has been noticed by Several American papers
some years since. I have crossed it several times, having begun in
connection with an American Express Company who intended to run a
mail and package express from N. Orleans to
San Francisco, the firm
failing. This route ceased to exist, but during its Short
existence letters were delivered in
San Francisco from N. Orleans
in 13 days and news could be had by the Atlantic Telegraph from
Europe at
Vancouvers Island in 15 days. But what I wish
particularly to call your kind attention to is the great Saving of
time and expense by my route. Since I could deliver a heavy mail
in the new colony within 35 days, and avoiding at the same time the
expenses of Seven days ocean navigation and
certainly gaining 10 days over the
Panama route. I have been
to California and sailed from Southampton in the West India Co
Steamers and between waiting for the American Steamer and
delays 43 days were consumed from England to
San Francisco alone.
I could even now without altering the dates of sailing of the West
Indian Steamers and in connection with the American boats which
coal at Acapulco, and having to wait for them six days at the
latter port deliver our mails in 40 days, but by having two
Steamers on the Pacific to await the arrival of the mail at
Acapulco the distance can easily be made within 35 days.
I would undertake to transmit the mail from Veracruz and land it
Vancouvers Island paying all minor expenses such as freight &ca
(and as the mail would be entirely British, I would only pay for it
on the American Steamers as freight) for £300 a month (and conveying
the mail twice a month from England). I am well acquainted with the
authorities at Acapulco and as I speak Spanish as a native have
every hopes of arranging for a free transit through the Mexican
I am prepared at any time to give the most minute particulars of the
route and in conclusion of these few suggestions Beg your kind
consideration of the matter.