Hamley to Carnarvon (Parliamentary Under-Secretary)
2 Beaufort Terrace
King's road Chelsea
16 Sepr 1858
My Lord,
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordships
letter of the 14th acquainting me that
Sir Edward Lytton has had the
goodness to confer on me the appointment of Collector of Customs in
British Columbia & that a passage will be provided for me in the
Thames City, to sail
about the 20 Ins
In reply I beg to state that it shall be my constant and earnest
endeavour faithfully to discharge the duties belonging to the appointment
in the Colony, and that I shall be ready to embark at the time named.
I have the honor to be My Lord
Your obedient servant
Wymond Hamley
Minutes by CO staff
Governor apprized in a Desph going by todays mail.