Messrs Spooner Attwood & Co.
27 July 1858
I beg to thank you for the interview this morning as well as the promise of a Colonial
appointment, but I think for that of the Secretary-ship of
British Columbia my claims have been overlooked (stated in a letter which the Attorney General for
Ireland gave you) backed as they were by Memorials in the Foreign Office from all
the cities of Canada & the chief cities of England & Ireland.
This morning I handed you a letter of introduction from old friends of mine Messr
Gilmour Rankin & C
o, the largest shipowners in the Empire with the greatest interest of any House in

North American Colonies having branches at Quebec, Montreal,
Ottawa, S
t John N.B., Miramichi, Bathurst, & other places. Having taken a very great interest
in opening up the Direct Navigation with the Lakes & West of America as well as in
aiding to overthrow the monopoly of the Hudson's Bay C
o I think from my knowledge of the new Colonies I would be of more use there than elsewhere.
Some of my friends Members of Parliament & Canadian Merchants now in
London think a deputation to you might change your mind. If you would be willing to receive
it, have the kindness to name the time.
As to public matters, if troops would be sent out to the new Colony The West India
Mail Steamer

or chartered ones could bring them to
Aspinwall, by Rail to
Panama thence by Pacific Mail C
o to
San Francisco &
Pugets Sound close to the mouth of the
Frazer River.
It is likely that the Pacific Mail C
o (Sec
t in Liverpool) may have an idle steamer at
Panama which could bring a regiment up to the Colony. This being the Sickly Season at
Panama more troops ought not be sent than can get passages on arrival.
The Canadian Merchants wish the Admiralty to use Colonial timber in building ships
of war for such purposes as it is fit, no doubt the Colonial Office would assist them
in this matter.
Minutes by CO staff
Lord Carnarvon
Sir E. Lytton has given the writer a promise of a Colonial app[oin]tment it must have been given
at some interview.
The best mode, though of course not quite the quickest, of sending out the Sappers
& Miners (with their arms, ammunition, & scientific Instruments) a magistrate, a few
police men, a Doctor, & any body else whom it might be desirable to sent to
B. Columbia,
wd be by chartering a fine Steamer, if the Admiralty have none available, & despatching
them from England by the Horn. They
wd be subject to no contretem[p]s of delay en route at
Panama or
S. Francisco, & it
wd be unnecessary to cross any Foreign Territory on the journey. In 60 days,
at furthest the vessel could perform the voyage.
Sir Edward Lytton
It is right to draw your attention to this letter as
Mr Kernaghan thanks you for the promised of a Colonial appointment.
Will you give instruction accordingly by placing him [on] your private list?
In reply, state civily that he has wholly misconceived me, that I gave him no promise
of a Colonial appointment. I merely said that his abilities & interest in Colonial
matters would speak favorably for him should appointments likely to be available occur
but that such app
tments were very rare. And that if the
Secy to
B. Columbia were sent out from this country the place was probably preoccupied. But Deputations
for private app
tments are wholly irregular & objectionable. Thank him for letters from Canada.
Other documents included in the file

Draft reply,
Carnarvon to
5 August 1859, stating
Lytton gave no promise of employment and that deputations in support of applicants would
be “very irregular.”
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
Gilmour Rankin Strang Co. 23 Fenchurch St, London to Lytton, 27 July 1858, supporting Kernaghan's application for appointment.
With 7409/500
63, Fenchurch Street
London 27th July 1858
We represent large Colonial & Shipping Interests & having known
Mr. Kernaghan for many years, we take the liberty of referring you to the Memorials in his favor
signed by
Rankin Gilmour &Co. Liverpool &
Allan Gilmour Quebec which are now in the Foreign Office.
We have the honour to be
Your Obt Servants
Gilmour Rankin Strange &Co.