Topographical Office, War Dept
4 New Street, Spring Gardens
26th Octr 1858
You have been pleased to sanction the principle that the
Baggage of the Judge and Treasurer of
B. Columbia should be
conveyed in the Vessel taking out Government Stores to that
Colony provided it did not displace any of the Public Stores.
I regret to say it was not in my power to carry out your
favourable disposition in this matter either in the
Thames City
or in the
Briseis the space in both vessels being extremely limited.
In the
Euphrates conveying the few men and a small quantity
of Stores there is ample room and I beg to be informed whether
this meets with your sanction for the baggage referred to being
received on board and also whether it is to be included in the
general amount of
tonnage tonnage taken up by the
Govt for
B. Columbia.
Such I believe to be your desire but an authority upon which
I can act to that effect is necessary.
I have the honor to be Sir,
r most obedient humble Servant
R.C. Moody
Col. R.E.
The Under Secretary of State
for the Colonies
Minutes by CO staff
r that as
Colonel Moody reports that there is ample room
Captain Gossett's baggage on board the
Euphrates it will be
proper that that Officer's baggage should be sent in that vessel &
be included in the general amount of tonnage taken
up by the
for the service of
B. Columbia.
Other documents included in the file