I have the honor to report my arrival with the 20 Engineers
under my Command, at this place on 29 October.
I had the honor of communicating with you from
Panama on
27th Septr requesting larger funds to be placed at my
disposal, and mentioning the arrangements I proposed making for
the progress of my Detachment towards
Victoria. There was no
other conveyance from
Panama northwards than the United States Mail
Steamer "
J.L. Stephens" which sailed from
Panama for
San Francisco
1st Octrand
and from my experience during the transit I feel
fully justified in having incurred the expence of the second
Cabin accommodation for my Men, alluded to in my former letter.
There were 1240 passengers and a crew of about 160 on board the Steamer.
16th October the Detachment was landed in
San Francisco
as British Soldiers, but without their Arms, and they were quartered
together in an Hotel until
20th October when I embarked them on
board the U.S. Mail Steamer "
Panama" proceeding to
after running up the
Columbia and
Willamette Rivers, landing
Fort Vancouver &
Portland &c, the ship anchored in
Esquimalt Harbour, 3 miles by land from
Victoria, on
29th October.
Coll Hawkins R.E. the Boundary Commissioner
Esquimalt, I reported my arrival and encamped the Detachment
with the portion of his party that were with him.
I sent the bag of Despatches entrusted to me to the Governor
on the day of my arrival, and waited on him the following
day with the letter you gave me.
The Governor had provided a house for the Detachment
Victoria but conferring with
Coll Hawkins, I thought it
better to remain encamped with the Boundary Engineers for a
period on our first arrival.
Captn Grant R.E. arrived at
Victoria yesterday with 11 men
and takes command of the Columbia Party, he will doubtless report
his proceedings as early as circumstances permit, he is now occupying
the house taken by the Governor in
As the time does not admit of my making an Inspection of
the locality near
Fort Langley for the purposes of providing due
accommodation for the Troops, our removal probably taking place this
week, the Governor intends placing a Schooner at our disposal in
which we shall be housed until the portable buildings we take up
the River shall be erected.
I beg to add that I am receiving valuable advice and
assistance from
Coll Hawkins R.E. and his knowledge of the
localities on the
Frazer River enables him to assist me materially
in securing proper accommodation for the Men.
Captn Grant R.E. my Senior Officer will report our further
I have the honor to be, Sir
Your most obedient Servant
R.M. Parsons,
n Royal Engineers
Minutes by CO staff
Lord Carnarvon
But it seems to me that too early steps cannot be taken to prevent
these military authorities from corresponding with us direct, which
they are certain to do if allowed. In acknowledging the Governor's
report, therefore, notice this letter of
Capt Parsons also, &
request he will in future correspond with us in the regular
official way? See also 651.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Carnarvon, Earl
Douglas, Sir James
Grant, Captain John Marshall
Hawkins, Lieutenant Colonel John Summerfield
Jadis, Vane
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Merivale, Herman
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Parsons, Captain Robert Mann
Victoria, Queen Alexandrina
Vessels in this document
John L. Stephens, 1852-1879
Places in this document
British Columbia
Columbia River
Esquimalt Harbour
Fort Vancouver
Fraser River
San Francisco
Vancouver Island
Willamette River