Public Offices document.
Minutes (3), Enclosures (untranscribed) (2), Other documents (2).
The minutes send this information to the North American colonies and the Board of
Included in this file is a draft reply,
Lytton to Governors of the North American Colonies,
10 February 1859;
Merivale to
J. Booth, Board of Trade,
11 February 1859,
forwarding information on the status of American law with respect to
their own navigational rights;
Napier, British Minister at
Washington, to
9 January
1859, forwarding information regarding the exclusion of foreign shipping
from the coasting trade of the United States in relation to passenger
transportation; and,
John Nelson, U.S. Attorney General's Office, to
J.C. Spencer,
U.S. Secretary of the Treasury,
2 November 1843, advising there were no
provisions regarding the transportation of passengers in any
legislation passed to regulate the coasting trade.