16 September 1861
I have much satisfaction in reporting to Your Grace that
the Colony of
British Columbia continues in a tranquil
progressive state.
2. The Gold Commissioners in their last monthly reports
represent the continued exodus of the mining population from
their respective Districts towards the "
Cariboo" country, in
speaking of which I have adopted the popular and more convenient
orthography of the word—though properly it should be written
"Cariboeuf" or Rein Deer, the country having been so named from
its being a favorite haunt of that species of the deer kind.
3. The most extraordinary accounts of the wealth of that
Gold Field are received by every succeeding Steamer from
British Columbia; and those accounts are confirmed by letters from the
merchants and traders of the District, and by fortunate
adventurers who have realized, by a few weeks labour, their
of dollars.
It would in fact appear that Cariboo is
at least equal in point of auriferous wealth to the best parts
of California; and I believe the Gold deposits of
British Columbia
will be found to be distributed over a far more extensive space.
4. I am unable to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion as
to the average daily earnings of Miners in the
Cariboo country,
but some
idea may be formed of the large sums realized, from the fact that
195 ounces of Gold were taken in one day out of a single mining claim, while ordinary claims
yield as much as forty and fifty dollars a day to the man: but perhaps the most
telling circumstance is the high price of labour, which has
attained to the extraordinary sum of ten dollars a day, and
any number of men
may find employment at that rate of pay.
5. The
Cariboo Gold District was discovered by a fine
athletic young man by the name of
McDonnell, a native of the island of Cape Breton, of mixed French and Scotch descent,
combining in his personal appearance and character, the courage,
activity and remarkable powers of endurance, of both races. His
has suffered from three years constant exposure and
privation, which induced him to repair with his well earned
wealth to this Colony for medical assistance.
6. His verbal report to me is interesting, and conveys the
idea of an almost exhaustless gold field, extending through the
quartz and slate formations, in a northerly direction from
Cariboo Lake.
7. The
7. The following well attested instances of successful mining
Cariboo may prove interesting, and will probably convey to Her
Majesty's Government a more precise idea of the value and real
character of this Gold-field than any mere generalizations, and
with that object in view, I will lay the details, as received
from the persons themselves, before Your Grace.
John McArthurand
Thomas Phillips arrived here from
Cariboo on the
17th of August last with nine Thousand dollars worth of gold dust in their possession, being the
fruits of three months
residence at the mines. They arrived there on the
1st day of
May, and left again on the
1st day of August, having previously sold their mining claim at a high price to other persons. Their
largest earnings for one
day amounted to five hundred and twenty
five dollars, and no single days work yielded less than twenty
five dollars. Both those persons have been mining in California,
and are acquainted with its resources, yet they give it as their
opinion that
Cariboo, as a "generally paying country, surpasses
the best days of California".
Mr Patterson and brother arrived at
Westminster by
the Steamer of the
14th instant, with Ten Thousand dollars
worth of gold dust, the produce of five weeks work at
I personally inspected their treasury, of which they are justly
proud, being the well earned reward of their skill and enterprise.
Mr Patterson's mining claim was on the
Lowhee, a tributary of
Swift River, and about 16 Miles distant
Antler Creek. The
ground was composed of gravel and many quartz boulders, and the
depth to the bed-rock was from 4 to 6 feet, beyond which he did
not attempt to penetrate, though the richest deposit of gold was
immediately over the bed-rock. The largest days return from the
claim was 73 ounces of gold, worth about Twelve Hundred dollars;
on another occasion he received 70 ounces at the close of a days
work. The Gold is in rough jagged pieces, the largest found by
Mr Patterson was over six ounces; but on the next claim to his,
a piece of ten ounces was picked up by the lucky proprietor.
Patterson sold his mining claim before his departure from
and is now returning to his native country, the
United States,
with the wealth he has so rapidly acquired in
British Columbia,
this being one of the evils to which the Colony is exposed through
the want of a fixed population.
10. The firm of Mess
rs Levi and
Boas of
New Westminster have kindly permitted me to communicate the following extract from a letter dated
27th August 1861, which they very lately
received from
Mr Levi the managing partner of the firm at
Hamburger went to
Abbott who used to be at
Langley, and
borrowed $2000.
I must let you know that Abbott and Jordon have one of the richest claims in the country. The least they take out a day, three
of them, is 120 ounces. They have a flour sack of Gold 14 inches high.They
They will make till fall $100,000 a piece. Out of one little crevice, while
Hamburger was up there, he,
Abbott, took 60 ounces out of it, and Gold makes your eyes water, and you will never see
a greater excitement as there will be next season.
If you can send up such goods as we want, do so, as I will
explain to you it is only
5 or
5 or 6 weeks more that pack trains can
come in here, and then we can get any price for them, besides
which, Spring, when there is a lot of people rushing in, and we
the only ones which have goods. You bet I would soak into them.
The Country is alright, there is more gold in it as there was
in California, dont say nothing to nobody.
11. I will not multiply
these details, having said enough to show Your Grace the opinion entertained by the
public of the newly
discovered gold fields, and of the probable influx of population
from California and other countries which may be attracted by those
discoveries. I need not assure Your Grace that every precaution
will, in that event, be taken to maintain the peace, order, and
good government
of the country, and to increase its permanent
population, but it is impossible to repress a feeling of profound
regret that so few of Her Majesty's British subjects have yet
participated in the rich harvests reaped in
British Columbia,
though there is certainly no country in the world that offers
greater inducements to the labouring classes, or for the employment
of capital. The settler
enjoys the peculiar advantage in
British Columbia of an unfettered choice of the public domain, and may
without expense, or official delay, select any part of the Colony
he pleases, as his future home; the ultimate price of country
land being in no case over four shillings and two pence an acre,
payable by instalments spread over several years. In fact the
system of no country can offer greater
inducements to the settler and Miner than the land Regulations and Mining laws of
British Columbia.
12. The Miners at
Cariboo have, I am glad to inform Your Grace, suffered no privation whatever from the want
of food. Besides the large importation of bread-stuffs and salt meat packed in from
Lillooet and
Lytton, large droves of cattle have been sent to
Antler Creek, where the
native grasses are nutritious and abundant, and fresh beef is now selling by retail
at 1
d a pound. A Mining town of some note has sprung into existence at
Antler Creek, and supplies of all kinds can be readily purchased.
The traveller who is prepared to encounter famine in its
gauntest forms on his arrival at
Cariboo, is not a little astonished
to find himself
in the midst of luxury, sitting down every morning
to fresh milk and eggs for breakfast, and to as good a dinner as
can be seen in
13. The great commercial thoroughfares leading into the
interior of the country from
Yale and
Douglas, are in rapid
progress, and now exercise a most beneficial effect on the internal
commerce of the Colony. I have many other productive public
indispensable for the development of the Colony in view, but I
cannot undertake their execution until I am made acquainted with Your
Grace's decision about the proposed loan of money for
British Columbia.
14. There is nothing in the condition of the other Districts of
the Colony with which I need trouble Your Grace at present, though
it may be necessary soon to draw Your Grace's
attention to a reported
discovery of Gold on
Stickeen River—Latitude 57
o within Her Majesty's Territories north of
British Columbia, to which some
adventurers, trusting to the faith of the native Indians who brought
the tidings, have inconsiderately repaired.
15. Should the report prove correct, it will be necessary to
take steps for the government of the country,
and to prevent the
many disorders that will naturally arise from the absence of any
duly constituted authority.
16. I will not fail to exercise that power, should circumstances
require it, until Your Grace's instructions are received.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Graces most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Lay before Parlt.
As this desp
t shows so forcibly the prosperity of
B. Columbia I think it might be well to furnish the T-y with a copy
of it—that
Dt having, at present, under its consideration, the question of a Loan of £50,000 to
the Colony.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
12 November 1861,
forwarding copy of the despatch for information.
People in this document
Abbott, Ivel
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Boas, Judah
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Hamburger, D. J.
Hamilton, George Alexander
Jourdan, William
Levi, Solomon David
McArthur, John
Patterson, Joseph
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Phillips, Thomas
Places in this document
Antler Creek
British Columbia
Cariboo Lake
Cariboo Region
Fort Langley
Lowhee Creek
New Westminster
Nova Scotia
Port Douglas
Quesnel River
Stikine River